The Southwestern Paso Fino Horse Association welcomes you to our website where we share current information about our regional shows, recreational & social activities promoting the Paso Fino breed. Come join us in this amazing adventure!
About Us.
We offer reliable information about the care, history & training of the Paso Fino horse. SWPHFA is a recognized regional affiliate with members across Texas & Oklahoma, Arkansas & parts of Louisiana supporting the national Paso Fino Horse Association.
The Southwestern Paso Fino Horse Association welcomes you to our regional shows, recreational & social activities promoting the Paso Fino breed. Check out our calendar for upcoming events.
Discover the Paso Fino breed.
The Paso Fino horse moves proudly with grace & elegance. It's lively but controlled spirit, natural gait, presence & responsive attitude make the Paso Fino a rare & desirable equine partner.
Upcoming events.
On behalf of the SWPFHA Board of Directors and the Show Committee, we gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following
Diamond Sponsors: